The Sims Resource

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Introduction in Chinese:


《模拟人生》资源现在是世界上最大、运行时间最长的《模拟人生》存储库,拥有数百万个文件,供您喜爱的游戏使用!我们在第一款模拟人生游戏(1998 年)推出之前就已经存在了,我们现在拥有的内容比任何其他网站都多,而且我们仍然为所有游戏提供内容!

TSR 由我们运营 - 一个由对《模拟人生》和游戏充满热情的模拟人生创作者和玩家组成的小团队,你们中的许多人可能会在我们的员工页面中认出几个名字!



您 - 确保您在我们的社区中安全,并让您的游戏处于良好状态。 我们希望 TSR 成为您首先选择的网站,并确保我们满足您对模拟人生网站的所有要求。我们很高兴您来到这里,我们希望您能留下来!无论您是玩游戏还是创作,TSR都适合您。




  • 我们重视我们的客户和我们的艺术家,并希望《The Sims Resource》成为每个人最好的家
  • 我们努力确保所有内容对您的游戏都是安全的(我们会在发布之前检查所有内容)。
  • 我们欢迎初学者和专家,并拥有一支完整的员工团队,愿意在您的创作之旅中为您提供帮助
  • 我们用订阅和广告的收益向所有顶级艺术家支付费用
  • 我们保持订阅服务的透明度,并允许您随时在帐户设置中取消
  • 我们所有的内容对所有人免费
  • 该网站由模拟人生粉丝为模拟人生粉丝管理!




  • 广告 - 适用于不想或无法通过订阅支持我们的人
  • 各种低成本订阅计划,适合各种预算



  • 无广告体验,无倒数计时器
  • 一键下载内容和所有必需的文件
  • 任何时候都可以抢先体验大约 140 个文件,每天都会添加新内容
  • 一个下载篮,因此您只需为购物篮中的数百个文件下载一次
  • 不喜欢搞砸模组?然后使用我们很酷的下载管理器,这样您就可以查看您安装了哪些 TSR 内容,并轻松重新安装和卸载它
  • 完整下载历史记录
  • 保留无限收藏夹
  • 无限滚动而不是点击页面
  • 独家访问仅限 VIP 的 Discord 频道

价格从每月 3 美元起!立即购买



我们还使用符合PCI-DSS Level 1标准的服务来托管订阅和付款,该服务已获得Visa全球服务提供商注册处的认可。这意味着我们不需要自己保存您的任何数据。有关为什么 TSR 是模拟人生社区中最安全的网站之一的更多信息,请参阅:TSR 安全吗?


本网站未得到艺电或其许可方的认可或附属。商标是其各自所有者的财产。游戏内容和材料版权归 Electronic Arts Inc. 及其许可方所有。保留所有权利。

该网站自2019年以来由Enthusiast Gaming Inc.拥有和运营。

关于网站的详细信息请阅读: 。


Introduction in English:

Who we are

The Sims Resource is now the biggest and longest-running Sims repository in the world, boasting literally millions of files for your favorite games! We've been around before the very first Sims game even launched (1998) and we now have more content than any other site, and we still host content for ALL games!

TSR is run by us - a small team of Sims creators and players passionate about The Sims and gaming, and many of you will probably recognise a few names in our staff page!

We run this site for you, our community of players and creators who are as passionate as we are. This is YOUR site, and as such, we want to make it place you'll love, where you'll feel valued, safe and part of our family.

What we care about most

You - keeping you safe in our community, and your game in good shape. We want TSR to be the site you choose first, and make sure we fulfil everything you would want from a Sims site. We're so glad you're here, and we hope you'll stay! Whether you play or you create, TSR is for you.

We've grown a reputation for safe content. That's because we now check every piece of content we publish to ensure it works as it should in game, is totally virus free, that you're getting what you see in the screenshot, and that it meets the game's technical requirements. If you're here to enjoy the amazing creations our creators share with us every day, you can rest in the knowledge that it will not harm your game.

If you're a creator, we will help you on your journey. Sometimes, we need to return a creation to you for a bit of extra work, but we'll guide you with that because we're creators too and we know how important it is that the hard work and passion you put into your content is shared with the world.

Our values

  • We value our customers and our artists, and want The Sims Resource to be the best home for everyone
  • We strive to ensure all content is safe for your game (we check all content before we publish).
  • We welcome beginners as well as experts, and have a full team of staff willing to help you on your creating journey
  • We pay all our top artists with the proceeds from subscriptions and advertising
  • We keep our subscription services transparent and enable you to cancel at any time in your account settings
  • all our content is free to everyone
  • the site is managed by Sims fans for Sims fans!

How we support ourselves and our artists

We have literally billions of files now, and hosting them isn't cheap. We also like to pay our best artists to thank them for their hard work and to ensure they still want to keep bringing fresh, new content every day.

So we fund ourselves in two ways:

  • advertising - for people who don't want or aren't able to support us through subscription
  • a variety of low-cost subscription plans to suit every budget

For our supporters

For those who support us and our artists through subscription, we offer many extra benefits as a big thank-you:

  • an ad free experience with no countdown timers
  • download content and all required files in a single click
  • exclusive early access to around 140 files at any one time, with new content added every day
  • a download basket so you only have to make one download for hundreds of files in your basket
  • don't like messing with mods? Then use our cool download manager so you can see what TSR content you have installed and easily reinstall nd uninstall it
  • full download history
  • keep infinite favorites
  • infinte scrolling instead of clicking through pages
  • exclusive access to a VIP-only Discord channel

Prices start from as little as $3 a month! Shop now

Your safety and security first

We take your right to privacy seriously. Read our Privacy Policy here. We will NEVER pass your data on to any third party.

We also use a PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant service for hosting subscriptions and payment, recognized on the Visa Global Registry of Service Providers.  This means we don't need to hold any of your data ourselves.  For more information on why TSR is one of the safest sites in the Sims community, see: Is TSR Safe?

Site Disclaimer

The site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game Content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors. All Rights Reserved.

The site is Owned & Operated by Enthusiast Gaming Inc. since 2019.

For more information about the website please read



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本站HoYoWorld提供的The Sims Resource都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由HoYoWorld实际控制,在2024年5月8日 下午7:24收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,HoYoWorld不承担任何责任。


