
Introduction in Chinese

EZCosplay.com 成立于 2009 年,创始人是两位年轻的动漫爱好者:Lei Wang 和他的妹妹 Stella Wang,他们在中国深圳成立。EZCosplay 最初只有 2 名裁缝和 2 台缝纫机,如今我们拥有一家工厂,拥有 3 名设计师、60 多台缝纫机、100 名裁缝,我们的在线商店 EZCosplay.com 上列出了 3000 多套不同的角色扮演服装。

EZCosplay.com 的目标很简单:提供高品质的角色扮演服装和友好高效的客户服务。我们永远不会停止为实现这些目标而奋斗,在质量方面,我们的想法只是“我们能做得更好吗”,这意味着我们不断开发和测试不同的材料,并相应地调整我们的产品基础。在客户服务方面,我们希望成为您能找到的最友好的公司,并帮助我们的客户解决任何疑问或问题。

如果您正在寻找角色扮演服装,EZCosplay 绝对是您一直在寻找的地方。 EZCosplay 不仅仅是一家网店,我们还是拥有 50 万 Facebook 粉丝的在线角色扮演社区,还有一个包含角色扮演教程、角色扮演者访谈、评论和角色扮演者展示的博客。




Introduction in English

EZCosplay.com was founded in 2009 by two young anime lovers; Lei Wang and his younger sister Stella Wang in Shenzhen, China. EZCosplay started from humble beginnings with just 2 tailors and 2 sewing machines; today we have a factory with 3 designers, over 60 sewing machines, 100 tailors and over 3000 different cosplay costumes listed on our online store EZCosplay.com.

Here at EZCosplay.com our goals are simple; top quality cosplay costumes and friendly and efficient customer service. We will never stop striving for these goals, when it comes to quality our thought is only “can we do better”, this means we’re constantly developing and testing different materials and adjusting our product base accordingly. When it comes to customer service, we want to be the friendliest company you can find and help our customers whatever the query or problem.

If you’re looking for a cosplay costume EZCosplay is definitely the place you’ve been looking for. EZCosplay is not just a web store, we’re also an online cosplay community with half a million Facebook fans, and a blog containing cosplay tutorials, cosplayer interviews, reviews and cosplayer showcases.

If you have any suggestions or comments, please email us here.

For more information about the website read: https://www.ezcosplay.com/about-us .





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