The Repair Association

The Repair Association翻译站点

The Repair Association is a coalition of businesses and consumers devoted to shaping informed public policy. We are committed to upholding the values of quality ...

The Repair Association插图

Introduction in Chinese:



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Introduction in English:

It’s simple. You bought it, you should own it. Period.

You should have the right to use it, modify it, and repair it whenever, wherever, and however you want. Ownership should be absolute. Once you've purchased a product, complete control over its use, modification, and repair should rest with you—no questions asked. It’s our mission to make sure you can. We're on the frontlines, campaigning for your right to repair. We fight for your right to fix.

Our objective is to shape pro-repair policies, guidelines, and regulations across federal, state, and local governance structures.

When you join The Repair Association, you gain a robust support network of seasoned activists and advocates. We are your global voice, appearing before legislative bodies, standard-setting committees, and media platforms to ensure your business flourishes and your repair rights remain unchallenged.

Established in 2013 as the Digital Right to Repair Coalition, The Repair Association brings together repair businesses and consumers to collectively push for public policies that uphold your right to repair. We're committed to advancing pro-repair laws and standards, particularly for products featuring digital electronic components.

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