

Wowhead was created with one sole intent: providing World of Warcraft players with tools and information to make their gameplay more enjoyable. This website is our con...


Introduction in Chinese:

什么是 Wowhead?


[email protected]


Wowhead 的创建只有一个目的:为魔兽世界玩家提供工具和信息,让他们的游戏玩法更加有趣。这个网站是我们对这个精彩游戏的贡献。我们以我们全面的数据库而自豪,其中包含有用的用户评论、更衣室和飞行追踪器等流行工具、闪电般的数据挖掘以发现最新的测试领域更新,以及由专业玩家撰写的关于所有热门魔兽世界主题的详细指南,包括职业、收藏、秘密和突袭。

Wowhead 社区


  • 我们的用户社区是我们工作中最重要的部分。他们通过从 Wowhead 客户端上传数据、对数据库条目的评论、详细指南和屏幕截图提交,为网站做出了巨大贡献!
  • 为了给您带来最好的指南和报道,我们与领先的内容创作者、影响者和主播合作,为 Wowhead 撰写他们的专业领域。
  • 我们的内容团队负责 Wowhead 上的新闻部分,并协助指南编写团队。Wowhead 现在平均每天发布 4+ 详细的新闻文章!我们 24/7 全天候待命,经常在测试领域搜索有趣的更新,并与其他创作者进行采访和合作,以提供引人入胜的意见文章和社区聚光灯。
  • 我们的开发团队处理每周的数据挖掘更新,创建和维护 Wowhead 上的所有工具,设置数据库页面和任何相关功能,并为我们的社区更新工具提示、Twitch 和 Discord 功能。



Wowhead 一直在寻找充满激情和才华的魔兽世界玩家来分享他们对我们都喜欢的游戏的知识。我们以成为《魔兽世界》信息的综合来源而自豪,我们对各种指南主题感兴趣,包括职业、突袭、神话+、回归玩家、幻化、插件、PvP 和成就。

我们的一些内容创作者包括 Nobbel87FatbossTV、MDI 全球决赛入围者、PvP 角斗士以及流行的 Discord 版主,例如 Classes 和 Achievements。

我们平均在美国排名前 250 位的 Alexa 网站中,考虑到 Wowhead 只专注于魔兽世界,并且在补丁开始时流量峰值甚至更高,仅针对魔兽内容的月度用户就超过 1000 万。我们还在全球排名 500 位,部分原因是我们独特的翻译数据库,允许 Wowhead 翻译团队将您的指南翻译成多种语言。我们可以在我们的 Facebook(400k 个赞)、Twitter(250k 关注者)、首页和 Discord webhook(6k 服务器)上不知疲倦地推广您的内容。虽然我们知道职业 Discord 拥有大量忠实的追随者,但我们可以帮助向更多新玩家和回归玩家推广您的内容和相关社区。Wowhead 团队在制作新闻和指南方面拥有丰富的经验,可以通过社交媒体、网站推广和 SEO 吸引广泛的受众。我们将努力让您的内容大放异彩!

除了推广之外,Wowhead 工作人员还将帮助您格式化指南,帮助开发任何新闻宣传,定期校对和事实检查指南,以确保它们以引人入胜的方式呈现重要主题,并维护一个私人 Discord 频道以交换指南提示并获得反馈。我们甚至可能会不时地扔一些赃物好东西!


我们很乐意听取您的意见!在 [email protected] 上给我们发送一些与魔兽世界相关的写作样本,让我们知道您最近喜欢在 Wowhead 上阅读什么类型的内容。


除了维护 Wowhead 之外,开发团队还会在时间允许的情况下处理第三方站点的请求。我们根据许多社区和网站(包括 Jeeves、Raider.IO、Raidbots 和 WarcraftLogs)的反馈实施了功能和工具提示更改。我们的工具提示甚至出现在暴雪的 MDI Twitch 扩展中。

虽然我们会尽可能多地满足请求,但联系我们的最佳时间是在 [email protected] 的补丁之间。


Wowhead 最初是在 2005 年 12 月作为人才计算器创建的。它一开始很小,但很快成为暴雪自己的流行替代品,甚至最终激发了暴雪计算器的重新设计,直到今天仍然存在于其网站上的版本。

该数据库是6个月辛勤工作的成果,于2006年6月发布。它包含大量与魔兽世界相关的信息,例如游戏内物品NPC任务区域等等。它还引入了独特直观的用户界面和过滤系统,这仍然是 Wowhead 最大的优势之一。

2007 年 6 月,Wowhead 决定加入 ZAM 网络

随着团队和网站的不断发展,Wowhead 致力于为您提供新功能和工具,以增强您的游戏体验。

随着时间的流逝,数据库不断扩展,具有图像数据库的幻化套装战斗宠物的创新部分,以及集成到所有相关 NPC、法术和物品页面(包括 Boss 对话)的声音部分。我们一直在寻找改进现有数据库页面的方法——例如,我们的老板页面现在允许您按职业过滤战利品,并且战利品会显示适当的专业。

在《巫妖王之怒》中,Profiler被推出。多年来,该工具已收到大量更新,并允许玩家跟踪他们的成就、任务、食谱等的完成状态。它还允许您在“装备套装”选项卡中预览幻化套装,或制作自定义配置文件以使用示例装备套装,这些装备套装显示物品属性、单人增益属性和突袭增强属性。一旦某个角色进入 Profiler,您就可以“固定”该角色,以在 Wowhead 数据库页面、工具提示和搜索结果中跟踪他们的集合。

在大灾变中,Wowhead News 推出,提供对新 PTR/beta 内容的深入报道、有关新 Wowhead 添加的文章、热门内容的周末指南、数据挖掘和蓝色帖子。Wowhead 上的周末指南迅速变得如此受欢迎,以至于我们在 Wowhead 上推出了一个指南部分,用户可以在其中提交自己的指南!此后,指南已扩展到搜索结果和数据库页面中。

在《潘达利亚迷雾》中,Wowhead团队为不熟悉数据库的新玩家增加了用户友好的改进,此外还添加了更多对理论制作者有用的数据和过滤器!这包括推出物品查找器以提供过滤器的替代方案,角色规划器建议装备、指南和即将完成的成就,职业指南,改进的区域部分,以及改进的搜索结果,展示流行的数据库结果和指南。我们还针对平板电脑设备优化了 Wowhead!


在 Legion 中,我们推出了 Discord News Webhook 和 Twitch Talent and Gear Overlay,以帮助不断发展和创新的魔兽世界社区!飞行工具被扩展为军团调谐追踪器更衣室现在支持NPC肤色和众多生物模型,首页再次改版,以“破碎群岛的今天”为特色,突出了军团中所有可用的内容。

提示:如果您有兴趣了解该网站过去的样子,请查看 Internet Archive Wayback Machine


我们坚定地致力于游戏规则和游戏社区。因此,我们对虚拟物品市场、真钱交易 (RMT) 和权力平衡服务持坚定立场。你永远不会看到我们支持这样的努力。此外,Wowhead严禁任何违反《魔兽世界》使用条款最终用户许可协议的行为。


Wowhead 针对现代浏览器进行了优化。自 2010 年 4 月起,不再支持 Internet Explorer 6 等旧浏览器。自 2017 年起,不再支持 Internet Explorer。

关于网站的详细信息请阅读: 。



Introduction in English:


What is Wowhead?

Contact Us

[email protected] Feedback, suggestions and/or questions are more than welcome.

We read every mail we receive!

Wowhead was created with one sole intent: providing World of Warcraft players with tools and information to make their gameplay more enjoyable. This website is our contribution to this wonderful game. We pride ourselves on our comprehensive database with helpful user comments, popular tools like the Dressing Room and Flying Tracker, lightning-fast datamining to uncover the latest test realm updates, and detailed guides written by professional players on all popular WoW topics including classes, collections, secrets, and raids.

Wowhead Community

All staff members are passionate fans of World of Warcraft, which helps us keep abreast of the most important features other players are interested in!

  • Our user community is the most important part of what we do. They add great contributions to the site, through data uploads from the Wowhead Client, comments on database entries, detailed guides, and screenshot submissions!
  • To bring you the best possible guides and coverage, we partner with leading content creators, influencers, and streamers to write about their field of expertise for Wowhead.
  • Our content team covers the news section on Wowhead as well as assisting with the guide-writing team. Wowhead now publishes 4+ detailed news articles a day, on average! We are on-call 24/7, frequently scouring the test realms for interesting updates, as well as interviewing and collaborating with other creators to provide engaging opinion pieces and community spotlights.
  • Our dev team handles the weekly datamining updates, creates and maintains all the tools on Wowhead, sets up the database pages and any-related features, and updates tooltips, Twitch, and Discord features for our community.

Guide Writer Opportunities

Do you love writing comments and want to take your skills to the next level? Do you manage a community and want your info to reach a larger audience? Want to get paid for talking about a topic you love?

Wowhead is always looking for passionate and talented World of Warcraft players to share their knowledge about the game we all love. We pride ourselves on being a comprehensive source for World of Warcraft information and we're interested in a variety of guide topics including classes, raids, Mythic+, returning players, transmogrification, addons, PvP, and achievements.

Some of our content creators include Nobbel87FatbossTV, MDI Global Finalists, PvP Gladiators, and moderators of popular Discords such as Classes and Achievements.

What can Wowhead offer you?
We're in Alexa’s top 250 websites for the US on average, which is pretty cool considering Wowhead solely focuses on WoW and traffic spikes even higher at the start of a patch to over 10 million monthly users just for Warcraft content. We also rank 500 Worldwide, in part due to our unique translated databases, which allow for your guides to be translated into multiple languages by the Wowhead translation team. We can promote your content tirelessly, on our Facebook (400k likes), Twitter (250k followers), front page, and Discord webhook (6k servers). While we know class Discords are huge with loyal followings, we can help promote your content and related communities to even more new and returning players. The Wowhead team has a lot of experience making news and guides reach wide audiences through social media, site promotion, and SEO. We will work hard to make your content shine!

In addition to promotion, the Wowhead staff will help you format your guides, help develop any news pitches, regularly proofread and fact-check guides to make sure they present important topics in engaging ways, and maintain a private Discord channel to swap guide tips and get feedback. We may even throw in some swag goodies from time to time!

We pay competitive industry rates for guides, rewarding players that go the extra mile to hit deadlines for major patches and spend extra time updating their content.

Ready to Get Started?
We'd love to hear from you! Send us a note at [email protected] with some WoW-related writing samples and let us know what type of content you've recently liked reading on Wowhead.

Tooltip Requests

In addition to maintaining Wowhead, the development team fields requests, as time permits, for 3rd party sites. We have implemented features and tooltip changes based on feedback from many communities and sites including Jeeves, Raider.IO, Raidbots, and WarcraftLogs. Our tooltips were even featured on Blizzard's MDI Twitch Extension.

While we try to accommodate as many requests as we can, the best time to reach us is in between patches at [email protected].


Wowhead was originally created as a talent calculator in December of 2005. It started small, but quickly became a popular alternative to Blizzard's own, even eventually inspiring a redesign of Blizzard's calculator to the version that still exists on their website today.

The database is the result of 6 months of hard work, and was released in June 2006. It features a vast amount of WoW related information, such as in-game itemsNPCsquestszones and much more. It also introduced a uniquely intuitive user interface and a filtering system which continues to be one of Wowhead's greatest strengths.

In June of 2007, Wowhead made the decision to join the ZAM Network.

With the team and the site growing all the time, Wowhead is dedicated to providing you with new features and tools to enhance your gaming experience.

Over time, the database has continued to expand, with innovative sections for transmog sets and battle pets featuring an image database, as well as Sounds which are integrated onto all relevant NPC, Spell and Item pages including boss dialogue. We constantly look for ways to improve our existing database pages all the time--for example, our Boss pages now let you filter loot by class, and that loot displays appropriate specializations.

In Wrath of the Lich King, the Profiler was launched. This tool has received numerous updates over the years and allows players to track their completion status for achievements, quests, recipes and more. It also lets you preview transmog sets in the Equipment Set tab or make a Custom Profile to play around with sample gear sets, which display item stats, solo buffed stats, and raid buffed stats. Once a character is in the Profiler, you can "Pin" that character to track their collections across Wowhead database pages, tooltips, and search results.

In Cataclysm, Wowhead News launched, which providing in-depth coverage of new PTR/beta content, articles on new Wowhead additions, weekend guides to popular content, datamining, and blue posts. The weekend guides on Wowhead quickly became so popular that we launched a Guides Section on Wowhead where users could submit their own guides! Guides have since expanded to be featured in search results as well as on database pages.

In Mists of Pandaria, the Wowhead team added user-friendly improvements for new players unfamiliar with databases, in addition to adding even more data and filters useful for theorycrafters! This included the launch of the Item Finder to provide an alternative to filters, the Character Planner suggesting gear, guides, and nearly-completed achievements, Class Guides, a revamped Zones section, and improved search results showing off popular database results as well as guides. We also optimized Wowhead for tablet devices!

in Warlords of Draenor, we launched a Warlords of Draenor Talent CalculatorGarrison Calculator, as well as a slew of new Garrison database sections and guides. We also revamped our front page to emphasize news and datamining updates, launched the Dressing Room to plan out your transmog, and Flying Tool to keep track of the requirements needed to unlock flying.

In Legion, we launched the Discord News Webhook and Twitch Talent and Gear Overlay to help the ever-growing and innovative WoW community! The Flying Tool was expanded into the Legion Attunement Tracker, the Dressing Room now supports NPC skin tones and numerous creature models, and the front page was revamped again to feature Today in Broken Isles highlighting all available content in Legion.

Tip: If you're interested in seeing what the site looked like in the past, check out the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

Site Details

We are firmly committed to the rules of gameplay and to the gaming community. As such, we have a firm stance against virtual item markets, real money trading (RMT) and powerleveling services. You will never see us support such efforts. Furthermore, anything against the World of Warcraft Terms of Use or End User License Agreement is strictly prohibited on Wowhead.

New and exciting features are continuously added in order to stay ahead as the leading World of Warcraft information website. We are constantly striving to improve the site, and there are always lots of new features in the works! We'd love to know what you think, so if there's something you'd like to see implemented on the site be sure to contact us!

Wowhead is optimized for modern browsers. As of April 2010, old browsers such as Internet Explorer 6 are no longer supported. As of 2017, Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

For more information about the website please read





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